Club of historic vehicles Považie  was founded 29.3.2007 by registration on Department of Home Affairs of Slovak republic. This club associates fans of automobile industry from Považská Bystrica and surroundings, which are interested in historic vehicles and motorcycles. The intention of our club is to preserve original state of historic vehicles, renovate older vehicles and to keep traditions in development of automobile industry in Považie. Big part of our work is putting on work with young people and children, therefore we came up with a special section of young people. Throug this activity we should educate and prepare young motorists.
Today´s car industry is producing lot of new types of cars every day in huge series and hardly anybody is remembering the last time, when car on the road was rarity. In that time people drove their cars very slowly but driver was absolutely busy with machinist. There were no boost and brake controls, no air-conditioning and ABS gear shifting of  unsynchronous transmissions needed more knowledge a experiences. And the driver had to take care of important components during his driving.
This things are history for today´s people. And yet when we see veteran car on the road, our nostalgic memories of a beyond age are back.
And this is our goal. To be pleased with watching valuable cars of past time.